? Sugar
需求:新项目只需5分钟接入,之后直接开撸,不用关心网络、图片、模式、稳定等问题,支持mvp一个activity对应多个presenter。 适用自己的才是最好的!
- ...
- 2019-05-29 最新,新鲜temeple出炉,请拉到最后看效果
- 2019-05-31 更新升级到androidx
- ...
To do
- kotlin 全面支持
- 图片加载库更换策略,或者为了方便使用直接用一套写好的放入
- 常用控件(刷新,标题等等)
- more...
图片有压缩,可以下载demo apk进行体验
1、 git clone https://github.com/wobiancao/sugar.git implementation project(':sugarlibrary') 2、 implementation 'com.wobiancao:sugarlibrary:{version}'3、 allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }implementation 'com.github.wobiancao:sugar:{version}'复制代码
创建DemoConfigure 继承于SugarConfigure 重载相关方法即可:
- 网络配置(Retrofit和okhttp3)请求,rxbus等)
- 状态栏默认颜色
- toast样式你可以不用设置,有默认的
- 网络设置直接见代码即可,跟retrofit一样的配置,写了一些默认的拦截器可继承后使用也可自己写,host可以动态配置
- 解耦页面状态切换你可以不用设置,有默认的
- 默认等待框你可以不用设置,有默认的
- 更多详见
public class DemoConfigure extends SugarConfigure { public DemoConfigure(Application application) { super(application); } @Override public ResponseErrorListener getErrorResponse() { return new ResponseErrorListener() { @Override public void handleResponseError(Context context, Throwable t) { LogUtils.i("捕获异常---" + t.getMessage()); ToastUtils.show("发生异常---" + t.getMessage()); } }; } @Override public int getStatusColor() { return R.color.colorPrimary; } @Override public AppHttpSetting getHttpSetting() { return AppHttpSetting .builder() .with(mApplication) //设置初始的baseUrl host .setBaseUrl(Gank.HOST) //动态修改baseUrl 具体看https://github.com/JessYanCoding/RetrofitUrlManager .putDomain(Wan.DOMAN, Wan.HOST) //是否打印网络请求日志 默认否 .setHttpLog(true) //百度Stetho即可 网络监测等 默认否 .setHttpMoniter(true) //设置缓存时间 默认60s .setCacheMaxTime(65) //设置连接超时 默认20s .connectTimeout(20) //设置读取超时 默认20s .readTimeout(20) //设置写入超时 默认20s .writeTimeout(20) //请求header .addHeaderInterceptor(getHeader()) //添加请求明文公共参数 .addCustomHeaderInterceptor(getCustomHeader()) //token过期等请求成功处理 一般不需要处理// .addExceptionInterceptor(getExceptionInterceptor()) //其它拦截// .addInterceptor(xx)// .addNetworkInterceptor(xxx)// 配置自己的缓存// .cache(xx) //甚至另外写一套自己的okhttp builder 也行// .setOkHttpBuilder(xxx) .build(); } @Override public IToastStyle getToastStyle() { return new ToastStyle(); }}复制代码
- 创建DemoApplication继承于 LibApplication < S extends SugarConfigure > 重写initConfigure()初始化配置即可,详见
public class DemoApplication extends LibApplication{ @Override protected void initConfigure() { mConfigure = new DemoConfigure(this); } @Override protected void init() { }}复制代码
我们使用 解决了retorfit动态配置baseUrl的问题,但是每个域名或者说每个接口返回参数封装等的可能不统一(这种情况一般不会出现在公司项目)比如我这个app要展示和的界面,这样就是两个网络请求封装,使用sugar可以快速解决此类问题;- 使用之前先看源码
/** * @author wobiancao * @date 2019/5/20 * desc : */public class SugarRepository { /** * 0 没loading 1 dialog形式 2page形式 */ protected final static int LOADING_TYPE_NULL = 0; /** * 0 没loading 1 dialog形式 2page形式 */ protected final static int LOADING_TYPE_DIALOG = 1; /** * 0 没loading 1 dialog形式 2page形式 */ protected final static int LOADING_TYPE_PAGE = 2; protected BaseIView mIView; public SugarRepository(BaseIView IView) { mIView = IView; } protected Observable addObservable(Observable observable) { if (mIView == null) { return null; } return customObservable(observable); } protected Observable addObservable(Observable observable, int loadingType) { if (mIView == null) { return null; } return customObservable(observable) .doOnSubscribe(disposable -> { if (loadingType > 0) { if (loadingType == LOADING_TYPE_DIALOG) { mIView.showDialogLoading(); } else { mIView.showLoading(); } } }); } private Observable customObservable(Observable observable) { return observable .compose(mIView.getProvider().bindToLifecycle()) .retryWhen(new RetryWithDelay(2, 2)) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .subscribeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .doFinally(() -> { if (mIView != null) { mIView.hideDialogLoading(); } }) .doOnNext(o -> { LogUtils.e("doOnNext------" + o); if (mIView != null) { mIView.showLoadSuccess(); } }) .doOnError(throwable -> { LogUtils.e("doOnError------" + throwable); if (mIView != null) { mIView.showLoadFailed(); } }); }}复制代码
addObservable(Observable observable)不会使用任何loading效果, addObservable(Observable observable, int loadingType) loadingType : 0 没loading 、1 dialog形式 、2 page形式
Repository首先有个契约类, xxxModel为需要增加的一个域名接口,统一配置apiService、请求函数、相应的transformer
/*** @author wobiancao* @date 2019-05-21* desc :*/public class RepositoryContract { /** * gank.io */ public interface GankModel { Gank getService(); /** * Transformer 需要处理api返回值包装的加上即可 * @param* @return */ ObservableTransformer , T> gankTransformer(); Observable
> getFuliDataRepository(String size, String index); } /** * wanandroid */ public interface WanModel{ Wan getService(); /** * Transformer 需要处理api返回值包装的加上即可 * @param * @return */ ObservableTransformer , T> wanTransformer(); Observable getWanArticleList(String index); }}复制代码
- 使用,如
/*** @author wobiancao* @date 2019/5/20* desc :*/public class GankRepository extends SugarRepository implements RepositoryContract.GankModel { public GankRepository(BaseIView IView) { super(IView); } @Override public Gank getService() { return AppHttpClient.getInstance().initService(Gank.class); } @Override publicObservableTransformer , T> gankTransformer() { return upstream -> upstream .flatMap((Function , ObservableSource >) tGirlsResult -> { if (tGirlsResult == null) { return Observable.error(new HttpException("返回值为null")); } if (!tGirlsResult.error) { return Observable.just(tGirlsResult.results); } else { return Observable.error(new HttpException("接口异常")); } }); } @Override public Observable
> getFuliDataRepository(String size, String index) { return addObservable(getService() .getFuliData(size, index) .compose(gankTransformer()), LOADING_TYPE_PAGE); }}复制代码
- 以举例
- 构成为 、 好了,完了,结束。
- =。=假的,接下来看代码
/** * @author wobiancao * @date 2019-05-21 * desc : */public class WanContract { public interface PView{ void getWanArticleList(String index); } public interface IView extends BaseIView { /** * 绑定列表数据 * @param data */ void bindData(WanData data); }}复制代码
/** * @author wobiancao * @date 2019-05-21 * desc : */public class WanPresenter extends BasePresenterimplements WanContract.PView { @Override protected void initRepository() { mModel = new WanRepository(mView); } @Override public void getWanArticleList(String index) { mModel.getWanArticleList(index) .subscribe(new ErrorHandleSubscriber (rxErrorHandler) { @Override public void onNext(WanData wanData) { mView.bindData(wanData); } }); }}复制代码
- 就是这么简单,最后就是在view层如何使用了,老规矩先看代码
/** * @author wobiancao * @date 2019-05-21 * desc : */@CreatePresenter(presenter = WanPresenter.class)public class WanActivity extends BaseActivityimplements WanContract.IView { @PresenterVariable WanPresenter mPresenter; TextView mInfoView; Toolbar mToolbar; @Override protected int getContentView() { return R.layout.gank_activity_list; } @Override public void init(Bundle savedInstanceState) { mInfoView = findViewById(R.id.tv_info); mToolbar = findViewById(R.id.toolbar); setSupportActionBar(mToolbar); ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); actionBar.setTitle("WanAndroid"); } } @Override public void loadData() { mPresenter.getWanArticleList("1"); } @Override public void bindData(WanData data) { String jsonStr = new Gson().toJson(data); mInfoView.setText(jsonStr); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int id = item.getItemId(); switch (id) { case android.R.id.home: finish(); break; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }}复制代码
- 首先,单个presenter
@CreatePresenter(presenter = WanPresenter.class)public class WanActivity extends BaseActivityimplements WanContract.IView 复制代码
@PresenterVariableWanPresenter mPresenter;复制代码
xxActivity extends BaseActivity...xxPresenter getPresenter()复制代码
- 多个prenenter 就只有通过注解获得变量了
@CreatePresenter(presenter = {xxPresenter1.class, xxPresenter2.class})xxActivity extends BaseActivity...@PresenterVariablexxPresenter1 mPresenter1;@PresenterVariablexxPresenter2 mPresenter2;复制代码
mvp Template完成
- 效果图
- 使用见图解
- 下载源码目录在 Sugar/SugarMvpTemplate
{Android Studio installation dir}\plugins\android\lib\templates\activities\
路径下 -
重启Android studio即可使用
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Copyright 2019, wobiancao Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 复制代码